[FREE DOWNLOAD] Math Grade 10: Generate Patterns from a Given Succession of Objects, Numbers, Letters and Symbols - Episode 1 (DepEd TV)


On this DepEd TV episode, the topic "Generate Patterns from a Given Succession of Objects, Numbers, Letters and Symbols" that will cover the module for Grade 10.

The objective of this lesson is to help learners demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sequences, polynomials and polynomial equations.

In this lesson, they should be able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences, polynomials and polynomial equations in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.

In particular, they expect the following from students:

  • generates patterns
  • illustrates an arithmetic sequence
  • determines arithmetic means, nth term of an arithmetic sequence and sum of the terms of a given arithmetics sequence

Please feel free to download this episode and be able to watch it at on your own and better understand it.

Link 1: Click to Download Here

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