[FREE DOWNLOAD] English Grade 9: What do you want to be when you grow up - Episode 3 (DepEd TV)

DepEd TV broadcasts 130 episodes per week for different subjects included in the Most Essential Learning Competencies or MELCs from Kinder to Grade 12.

For this school year 2020-2021, DepEd introduced different learning modalities to enable students to continue their education even without face-to-face classes.

On this DepEd TV episode, the topic "What do you want to be when you grow up" will be discussed that will cover the module for English Grade 9.

This topic for Grade 9 English students will help them employ the appropriate communicative styles for various situations (intimate, casual, conversational, consultative, frozen).

(1st aired on October 12, 2020)

Link 1: Click Here to Download

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